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1 John | Living in the Light
pt 2: Walking in the Light

This week Krystal Hawkins taught us from 1 John chapter 1 about walking in the light. Where there is light, there cannot be darkness. The light that comes from being in a relationship with Jesus includes our relationship with him, but it also includes our relationships with one another. Being in the light is a reflection of our walk with the Lord, and if we are walking in the light, it is impossible for his glory to not radiate from us. We have to be willing to take an active part in letting his light into our lives to renovate our hearts and shine into the dark places, but if we are willing to embrace that journey, with Him in control, we can step into a life full of his glorious light.

1 John | Living in the Light
pt 3: Who's the Boss?

In our discussion of 1 John, this week, we discussed chapter 2 verses 1-6. In these verses, we learn that Jesus fulfills many roles in our lives if we allow him to. He is our advocate; his sacrifice allows us to walk in the freedom that he promises us. He is our commander; his commandments come from a heart that is full of love for us, and if we can follow those commands, (or try to) he can pour his love into us so that we may pour that love into others. Finally, he is our guide; when we follow in his footsteps, ask him for guidance, and go where he guides us, we can be in the light and free from the darkness.

1 John | Living in the Light
pt 4: The New old Commandment

This week, Bob Spencer spoke about the commandment from 1 John 2:7-11. This commandment is a simple one that is throughout the Old and New Testament. John reminds us of the commandment to love one another. There is a temptation to create categories for people we deem “unloveable” to excuse ourselves from following this command fully, but the commandment and example from Jesus are clear, love one another without abandon.

1 John | Living in the Light
pt 5: The Father's Love

This week, we discussed 1 John 2:12-17. John is encouraging readers to remember what anchors them, and how vital they are to one another. When the enemy comes to tempt us with desires of the eyes, flesh, and pride, John says we should find all that we need in God, and to link arms with one another so that we aren’t fighting the battles alone. 

1 John | Living in the Light
pt 6: Abide in Truth

Today we explore John's warning about antichrists and false teaching. He gives us clear direction on avoiding these errors, and a firm foundation of Spirit and Truth to stand on that we may abide in the truth of Jesus. We don’t have to be fearful, but we should be prepared. Let’s purpose to abide in truth so that we may remain anchored in Christ. 

1 John | Living in the Light
pt 7

This week Mark McComas teaches through 1 John 3:1-3 and challenges us not to read scriptures through our modern framework of Christianity, but by beholding the truth of who God is, and that we can know him and be known by him.

1 John | Living in the Light -
pt 8: The Power of Practice

In today’s message, we are discussing the incredible significance of what we consistently put into practice in our lives. The truth is that the habits we form, form us. We are either conforming to the patterns of a broken world leading to death, or we are growing in the way of Jesus which is life. May we all discover the power of practicing the righteousness of God, as we become more and more at home with Jesus.

1 John | Living in the Light -
pt 9: Love One Another

Pastor Jonathan brought an encouraging word on loving one another. He highlighted how John uses a musical quality in his writing to reaffirm key themes with repeated phrases that work like a chorus. In this passage, John repeatedly affirms the power of love and the destructiveness caused by the absence of love. This truth anchors us in the importance of abiding in God’s love. When we live like that, we can truly be “loved people, who love people."

1 John | Living in the Light -
pt 10: The HEart that Abides

As John wraps up chapter 3 of his letter, he puts great emphasis on the condition of our hearts before God. The good news he shares is that we can be free of trying to navigate the confusing and muddy waters of our hearts. Instead, we can entrust our hearts to the Lord and as we abide in Him, he will transform our hearts through His abiding joyful love. 

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 11

Today we hear from our friend Allison Allen as we continue through 1 John. We hear about who our real enemy is and how we lose the hold that habitual sin has on us.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 12

This Sunday we heard from our dear friend and worship leader Krystal Hawkins as she shared a strong word on the importance of knowing and discerning the spirit of truth. We hope you are strengthened and encouraged as you hear her testimony on the power of wielding the truth to break strongholds.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 13: "The Kingdom of Love"

In John chapter 4 we return to the topic of God’s Love and how we are to live this out. God’s Kingdom is all about love. The King is the very essence of love, and we are meant to be living in that love. As we receive from Him, we respond back in love by loving one another well.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 14: "Of HIS SPIRIT"

Today as we continue exploring the Love of God, we see the Holy Spirit’s unique and active role in helping us abide in God’s love. The gift of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives gives us confidence, speaks powerful truth, and pours the love of God into our hearts through all the circumstances of this life. May we all be anchored in the abiding presence of God as we rest in what he has given us of His Spirit. 

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 15: FEAR NOT

As John concludes this portion of his letter on the love of God, we see the wonderful power of God’s love to defeat fear. While fear can be a great source of torment in our lives, God’s love is the ultimate source of power to defeat fear. Praise God that we can be set free from the bondage of fear, as we are immersed in receiving and sharing His great love. 

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 16: Won't you be my neighbor?

This week we continued our discussion of 1 John in part 16 of our series. Kristen Panella shared from 1 John 5:1-5 on the part that we are called to play as we live in the light that John is calling us to. By using the example of Jesus’ life, we looked at three categories of neighbors that Jesus loved in his time on earth. Looking at people around us who are different from us through the eyes of Jesus is how we can love like he loved and therefore carry out his commands. If we can do that, these verses tell us that we will live in victory over the world.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 17: The Testimony of Three

In today’s message, we reflect on John’s words of encouragement to the church that we can have great confidence in knowing we are secure and victorious in Jesus! The water, blood, and spirit testify in a powerful way to who Jesus is, what he has uniquely done for us, and the life we now live in him. We have these sacraments of the water and the blood as an anchor and reminder of the reality of the spirit life we now live! Our lives are to be a “living” sacrament. The outward visible “us” revealing the inner grace of the Holy Spirit.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 18: Just Pray

Prayer is vital to our walk as Christians. Through prayer, we grow our relationship with the Lord and strengthen our faith. John encourages us in these verses to come to the throne with boldness; not because of our own merits, but because we can trust the sacrifice that Jesus made for us to give us the gift of intimacy with him. While prayer can seem intimidating at first, we are assured through his example that we can bring our requests to the Father, but we can also trust that whatever the outcome, he has our best interest at heart.

1 John | Living in the Light - pt 19: Guard Yourselves

This Sunday, we wrapped up our series in First John by looking at John’s final warning that the church guards herself from idols. At first glance, this might not seem like a modern problem, but our hearts and our eyes are very easily enticed by the idols that permeate our culture. May we learn to be careful not to comfort ourselves with idols, get drawn into complacency, or allow ourselves to compromise. Instead, may our hearts be pure, and in love with Jesus.

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