Through Her Eyes - Pt. 1
This Sunday we kicked off a 4 week series all being taught by women in our church - each of them focusing on women in the Bible who had life changing encounters with Jesus. Our dear friend Kristen Panella started off the series sharing about the power and freedom that comes when our identity is based on who we are in Christ above all else.
Through Her Eyes - Pt. 2
In Sunday’s sermon, Allison Allen brings a powerful message about the healing hope of Jesus. In Luke 13:10-21 we are invited to behold the tender love of Christ as he sees the condition of a woman tormented for 18 years, and he calls her out to receive healing and freedom. There is life-changing hope that transforms when Jesus sees our need and touches us with his power and love.
Through Her Eyes - Pt. 3
This week in Part 3 of our series, Krystal Hawkins shared about Mary of Bethany. At three key moments in her life, Mary positioned herself at the feet of Jesus, and as a result, grew in her intimacy with Christ, received hope in her darkest hour, and ultimately learned the value of pouring out her life in sacrificial worship. May we all learn from her beautiful example, and find ourselves at the feet of Jesus.
Through Her Eyes - Pt. 4
This week Diane Spencer wrapped up this series by sharing about the women who served Jesus. Throughout the gospels, women who had life-changing encounters with Jesus would then minister to him from their “substance.” Our substance is not about the amount we have, or focusing on what we lack. Instead, it is about seeing what has been placed in our hands, and then being willing to give it to the Lord in order to serve Him.