SABBATH - Part 1:
We begin a new series today focused on the importance of getting proper rest. We live in a fast-paced, over-busy, over-burdened, distracted, and anxious culture, but Jesus offers a gracious cure “come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” In today’s message we take a look at our great need for rest, and then look to the One who is our source of rest. May we all “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”
SABBATH - Part 2:
“Rest in Jesus”
In today’s sermon we focus on the fact that apart from Jesus there is no true rest. Therefore, we must learn to become "Un-Busy" by spending unhurried time with Jesus, so that we can allow space for His Life to penetrate us with truth that brings rest. A good place for us to start is to reflect on how Jesus Accepts us, Sustains us, and gives us inherent Significance. Let’s take up his easy yoke and find rest for our souls!
SABBATH - Part 3:
“Work & Rest”
In part 3 of our series, we reflect on the tension between work and rest. God always intended for us to work, but because of the fall of man, work has become a constant struggle. If we are to find rest, we have to have a proper perspective on work. We are made to live a life of meaning, and we are called to provide for, tend to, and enjoy all God has given us. May we learn to live in the rhythm of work and rest that Jesus longs to teach us.
SABBATH - Part 4:
“fallow ground”
In Part 4 of our series, we get really practical, discussing the importance of scheduling time to rest. God commanded Sabbath rest for his people, but as we see throughout Israel’s history, they rarely followed his directive and suffered as a result. Let’s be intentional to learn how we can Sabbath, and use our calendars to help create the margin needed to care for one of our most basic needs.
SABBATH - Part 5:
“Solitude & Sanctuary”
God has given us Sabbath Rest, and its ultimate fulfillment is found in him. Time with Jesus is not a matter of ridged ritual devotion, but needed joyful communion. May we learn to find rest in him by consistently practicing Sabbath Worship in both the Solitude of a private prayer life, and worshipping with the family of God in his Sanctuary.