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Remember - Series Introduction

On Sunday, we kicked off a new series called, Remember. Over the next few months, we’ll be going through scripture and exploring the importance of remembering God’s faithfulness, what he has done for us, and remembering who we are called to be as his people. Throughout this series, we will share stories and memories of our church history and key characteristics of who we are called to be as the people of Grace Chapel.

Remember - Pt 2: Remember the Way

This week we are continuing our Remember series, by going through Deuteronomy chapter 8. Moses encourages the next generation to intentionally remember the Lord and his faithfulness to them through the wilderness years before they enter the promised land. As we prepare to move into our new church home, it’s important that we reflect on key moments from our time together meeting in various places to worship God over the years.

Remember - Pt 3: As you Go

In part 3 of our series, we focus on the importance of each of us living with purpose as we go about our everyday lives. A big part of who we are as the people of God goes beyond our time of “gathering," as we are called to be intentional in our “scattering,” too. Let’s purpose to make disciples in our day-to-day lives right where we live and work.

Remember - Pt 4: The Big Picture

This week, we focused on the importance of not becoming isolated in just our local church life, but intentionally living with a greater awareness of the larger body of Christ. We are called to consistently pray for, refresh, love, and bless the church. Let’s look for ways to walk this out in our lives personally and as a local church body. Let’s pray for and encourage those who serve and expand the Kingdom of God all over Knoxville and around the world. 

Remember - Pt 5: Remember the Sabbath

On Sunday, we celebrated that we passed our final inspection, and discussed plans for moving into the new building! We also continued in our Remember series discussing the Sabbath. The idol of busyness has become so ingrained within our culture that we now wear it as a badge of honor. God created us in His image, and part of our identity in him is rest. We are commanded to rest in the 10 commandments, but how often do we overlook that as a necessity for our lives? Instead of working to earn rest, let’s work from a place of rest, pacing ourselves to avoid burnout, and ultimately creating a church body that can be a place of healing and rest for others.

Remember - Pt 6: Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s not just a yearly holiday; gratitude is such an important part of our daily walk with Jesus. The lesson we learn from the lepers in Luke 17 and 2 Kings 7 teaches us to express our gratitude, enjoy the presence of God, and move from grumbling to generosity. May we all grow in gratitude!

Remember - Pt 7: Pray

Prayer is the foundation of our church and of our faith. Without prayer, we lose the intimate relationship we were gifted when Jesus died on the cross. In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us how to pray with the “Lord’s Prayer.” Prayer positions us to have the proper posture before the Lord, practice living in surrender to him, and rely upon his faithful provision and protection.

Remember - Pt 8: Discipleship

This week, we focused on the importance of living as disciples of Jesus. It’s vital that we understand what a disciple is, and that we live with intentionality in our personal lives and as a church community. Let’s commit ourselves to follow Jesus, be changed by Him, and live on mission with Him in our everyday lives.

Remember - Pt 9: Church Community

Today, we finish our Remember series with a reminder of the vital importance of intentionally engaging in church community. The scripture gives some powerful examples of what a church community is like, may we all learn and embrace this truth and find our place in the family of God.

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