Grace Chapel was established in early 2016 when three families moved to Knoxville from the Nashville area. We are a non-denominational church that is governed by our local church elders. We were prayerfully blessed by Grace Chapel in Leiper’s Fork, TN and received generous support to help us get started. After many years of life and ministry in Middle-Tennessee, these three families launched into the unknown together answering the call to plant a new church in Knoxville.
Living Room
In March of 2016, we began gathering weekly for worship services in one of our family’s living rooms. For several months we worshipped, studied, laughed, and prayed together. We established friendships, lived life, and dreamed together of what God may have in store for this small group of Jesus followers.
Northshore Elementary
A few months later, in the summer of 2016, we moved into our current location at Northshore Elementary School.
As our church family continues to grow, so many wonderful people gather every week to love and serve others by helping to transform a school cafeteria into a place of worship. We have welcoming classrooms filled with caring adults to share Jesus with our children. It is always such a joy to watch school hallways come alive with coffee and conversation.
Today, we are thriving and growing as the Lord leads us into deeper relationships with Him and one another. Within our church family, you will meet beautiful people of all ages, from various countries, who come from different walks of life. Together, we seek to fulfill Jesus’ great commandment to love God and others well. We do this by gathering together on Sunday mornings and for mid-week life groups. Ultimately we want to reach out beyond our planned gatherings to really do life together and love our Knoxville community with glad and sincere hearts.
We welcome you to join us; we are excited to do life together with you!