Our Building
Welcome! This is an active, ongoing timeline of our journey to our new church home. Here you will find updates, pictures, and videos of the progress. Thank you for joining us on this journey. If you would like to come alongside and support what the Lord is doing through our church body, please consider joining us in prayer first and foremost, and also in finances. Follow the link to make a tax-deductible donation to our building renovation fund.
It brings us joy and strengthens our faith to be reminded of all the Lord has done, and we pray it will encourage you as well.
Nov. 10, 2024
Goodbye Northshore Ele.
Today we celebrated, worshiped, prayed, and praised God for his faithfulness to our church these last 8 years while at Northshore Elementary School. We thanked God, who in his great love, provided a public school for us to gather and lift his name high. Each week, the gym, cafeteria, and music rooms were transformed into a sanctuary for our families to grow and be discipled in Jesus. We blessed the space, and celebrated the closing of this chapter, and now we look forward to our Open House at our new building this Sunday!
Nov. 8, 2024
Home Stretch
This week, there's been massive amounts of work done to get our church ready for our Open House on November 17th! The front door glass and interior door glass was installed, final paint and touch ups are happening and our last bit of electrical work is done. We're starting to install tech throughout the building, and build and install classroom furniture, too!
Nov. 2, 2024
Steeple Raising
We had an impromptu celebration today, raising our steeple! This beautiful art piece was thoughtfully designed by our architect, Gregor Smee, and constructed by metalsmith, Robert Turner. The metal tower will weather through the seasons, and our cross is made from stainless steel, which will remain bright and be a beacon of hope.
Oct. 25, 2024
268 S Peters is looking good! We're so close to opening up our doors to you!
Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Workday
We've got an amazing church body, filled with so many people who just love to jump in and help! Today, we had a workday and many people came out to help with some finishing touches on our church building to help us get ready for some final inspections. It's really starting to feel like the finish line.