Life Together in Jesus

We believe that Community is an essential part of our Christian Faith.
Therefore, we place a high level of importance on our life groups. It is the primary focus of our church outside of Sunday morning worship. We believe God designed us for relationship with Him and each other, and so we encourage all of our church family to join a group!
We were never meant to struggle through life alone.
Jesus lived his life in community and led with humility. We believe that learning from and obeying Jesus will lead to a solid foundation for life. Discipleship happens where biblical truth and everyday life meet, with Jesus at the center of authentic Godly relationships.
We all need a place where we are known and loved.
Our life groups strive to be a safe and welcoming place where we value people. We aren’t trying to win arguments; we are trying to win people to Jesus. You can expect a welcoming environment that you would feel good about inviting people to.

You can join a group today!
Our life groups meet in each other’s homes, and we have several different groups that meet all over the Knoxville area. Our groups meet on various nights of the week, and many of them offer childcare. We’d love to help you find a group, you can email us at lifegroups@gcknox.net to learn more or join a group!