Spiritual Warfare - Pt. 1
This week we are kicking off a new series on spiritual warfare. In today’s sermon, we focused on Satan, who he is and how he works. He is real and powerful, primarily working through deception & lies, but thank God he is ultimately defeated in Christ. Therefore, we should be aware and sober-minded regarding his activity, but not afraid because our victory is sure.

Spiritual Warfare - Pt. 2
Spiritual warfare seems so intimidating and overwhelming, but it is really just about truth and lies. The enemy has convinced the world of so many lies and many of them are very tempting to believe. We want to make spiritual warfare about the “big sins” in the outside world, but that is how the enemy gains a foothold in our lives. He is able to convince us about lies in our own lives and distract us with shame or self-righteousness, but the good news is that Jesus was able to defeat his lies in the desert and then ultimately with his death and resurrection. Now it is up to us as believers to choose whether we want to choose to live within the truth that Jesus offers or succumb to the lies that can entangle us.

Spiritual Warfare - Pt. 3
Jesus holds the ultimate victory against the enemy, however, while we are living in this fallen world, God invites us to participate in spiritual warfare against the forces of evil. When we are going into this fight, it is important to remember that our battleground is on a spiritual level, not among flesh and blood. We must identify strongholds that the enemy may hold in our lives and work to replace them through the healing power of Jesus. We also need to be aware of the weapons that we have at our disposal. He has fully equipped us with everything we need to fight a winning battle, but we must be willing to put on His full armor so that we do not fall victim to the schemes of the devil. Jesus is fighting battles on our behalf, so let us join with Him to defeat the enemy and topple the strongholds that we cannot bring down on our own.

Spiritual Warfare - Pt. 4
The enemy uses many methods to attack us, so it is important for us to be aware of his tactics and ready to stand firm. Distortion, distraction, discouragement, deception, and division are all tools that the devil uses against believers in our daily lives. If we are unprepared, these, often subtle, strategies are able to derail us from the life that God intends for us. This week, we discussed the ways that these schemes can creep into our lives and minds, and some of the tools that we have at our disposal to fight back.