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Making Disciple Makers - Pt. 1

Discipleship is something that Christians often compartmentalize into and optional or occasional thing. However, God’s heart for his people is to be in a constant state of being disciples and disciplining others. Through working with others in the body, and prayer we can begin our discipleship journey. While this will be messy and challenging at times, we need to remember that failure isn’t final, there will always an opportunity to learn and grow.  

Making Disciple Makers - Pt. 2

Discipleship is something that Christians often compartmentalize into and optional or occasional thing. However, God’s heart for his people is to be in a constant state of being disciples and disciplining others. Through working with others in the body, and prayer we can begin our discipleship journey. While this will be messy and challenging at times, we need to remember that failure isn’t final, there will always an opportunity to learn and grow.  

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