Advancing the Kingdom - Pt. 1
The kingdom of God feels like some magical place that is floating in the sky, but what Jesus preached to his disciples and others is that the kingdom of God is present and available for us on this side of heaven. He wants us to be a part of his kingdom by allowing Him to be the ruler of our lives. It means that we must give up control of our own tiny kingdoms where we think we have control and turn that power over to Him. The kingdom of God is all around us, but it is up to us if we want to participate in His kingdom and give him the authority in our lives that he deserves.
Advancing the Kingdom - Pt. 3
This week Krystal Hawkins brings a message about what it means to share the kingdom with our neighbors. May we all purpose to be more intentional to recognize the opportunities to love people around us well. This powerful and practical message can have a real impact in our lives and community if we will be intentional to consistently apply this in our lives.
Advancing the Kingdom - Pt. 4
The great commission calls us to make disciples of ALL NATIONS, but as believers and as a part of the American Church, do we have the heart for the nations that God calls us to have? It is tempting to get overwhelmed by the vastness of the world and the staggering number of people groups that are still unreached by the gospel, but all that is required of us is to say “yes” to God and allow him to work great wonders in and through us. We cannot do it alone, but with Him and with a community of like-minded believers, the Lord can and will do great things.
Advancing the Kingdom - Pt. 5
Sharing your faith can feel intimidating. We often imagine scenarios where we are ill prepared for hard questions or rejected outright, but Jesus taught the disciples how to spread the gospel. He encouraged them to first be people of prayer. He also advised them to be and approach people of peace building relationships while sharing his good news. Finally, he challenged them to be people of power and purpose, to go boldly, in his name, and proclaim truth with all authority of heaven.